Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Applications for Internet Research in the Classroom.

I believe that technology can improve our efficiency and ability to teach children curriculum material. The biggest challenge, in my opinion, is getting and holding our students attention. To engage our students we need to show them the relevance of the curriculum taught. I feel an important way to do this is personal research on the part of the student. I believe in giving take home projects and experiments that engage the parents/guardians, siblings, and students as a means of curriculum reinforcement.

In my chosen field of Chemistry, technology is important in many ways. There are new means for synthesis, analysis, and experimentation being developed daily. One growing field embedded in technology and its current limits is computational chemistry. Technology is a vastly growing field applicable to all curriculums.

The Internet will allow my students to explore and see chemical phenomena not feasible for a secondary school classroom setting. In addition, the Internet is a reference to attain relevant projects and experiments for student engagement and instruction.

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