Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Impact of Technology Upgrades in the Classroom

A current technological advancement coming to classrooms these days is the Smart Board. I feel this is an important technological advancement for the classroom to aide teachers in their curriculum instruction.

This semester I am performing field experience in conjunction with education certification. My middle school mentor has just received her first Smart Board. She was excited for the addition of this technology into her classroom, but currently resents it. Why? Well it appears that while the state grants will give her the new technology, they do not provide training for the new instrument. So currently she has a wonderful resource that is covering one of two white boards she needs for instruction. Until she has taught herself the ins and outs of her new Smart Board she will be reduced to half her instructional writing space.

Technology is a wonderful tool and means for instruction. However this recent experience reminds me that there is a time requirement for all to learn and maintain our knowledge and skills related to technological devices.


  1. MKGB -

    How right you are - nothing is more rustrating than an administrative dictate without the training to allow us to best meet the new requirement. It's like giving a kid a new toy for Christmas but without the directions!

    My Promethean board just received a major upgrade and even though we had a full-day training on what it was to entale, the installation was 6 weeks after the training. I didn't remember much to be quite honest. Thus I learn on the fly - daily. In fact, my daughters find something almost every afternoon to show me where it is now. Sigh - at least someone is teaching me! =)

    Gr8 post!

  2. Smartboards! I am in a field experience in a second grade classroom right now and the teacher really struggles with the using the smartboard and it has become somewhat of a time consumer. I agree that if we are going to give teachers these great resources, they need to be taught how to use them so that they aren't more of a distraction that a resource.
