Monday, March 22, 2010

Reliability of Technology

Technology when it works can enable anyone with the knowledge to use it, but when it fails it can be the ultimate frustration source. The big “M” suite, (You know the software package responsible for the dreaded blue screens), and its lack of stability is a constant annoyance. I have had the best relationship with the shareware office suite, Open Office. This I would share with anyone that cannot afford the more expensive software packages. It may not have all the bells and whistles of its commercial counterparts, but it covers the basic needs and will not die in the middle of a project. Adobe Photoshop Elements crashing on me 7 times in the last 15 minutes has inspired this mini-rant on technological reliability.

Given that things break and chaos happens we need to be prepared in the case our instructional technological wonder flops. Follow the girl or boy scout always be prepared, so have a low tech back up at all times.

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