Monday, March 29, 2010

Using Diagrams and Webs for Classroom Learning

Webs and Diagrams can be very important in learning new thought processes. Many software programs have the capability of creating Diagrams and related outlines. The latest version of Word allows for creation of diagrams and corresponding outlines. I have created one as a hand out for my 355 UTK class using Word 8. This had the same capabilities as the flashier Inspiration software package with out the complications of uploading, viewing, and linking non-standard formats. Once you have created your outline and diagram you can save them as a PDF and upload the file to google documents easily. I have created a diagram about Acid and Base determination using Inspiration, but the saved files are did not link well. To upload my Inspiration file, I first tried to transfer it to a Word 8 file. This did not allow for transferral of the image, only the outline. To upload the image I had to export the Inspiration file as a .jpg file and insert using the image linkage function. I was not able to link the files directly from google documents easily. I had to insert the links as image files in accepted image formats and just link an open shared .pdf for the blog to accept it. Once again technology can be frustrating. Take time to pull your hair, stomp your feet, or growl. I am sure you have had at least one technology burp today.

This is the inspiration product on Acid and Base identification:

Using Word you can generate a diagram outline as easily as you can in Inspiration. This opens up the capability of creating two types of notes for students that learn via different methods. More visual and graphical learners can benefit from diagrams and webs. Others may be distracted by the figure and prefer just text. Software like Word and Inspiration both can be great tools for conveying information to your students and colleagues. A link to my Word 8 generated outline and diagram follows:

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